Doutorando / Doctorate
Natal, Brasil
Almeida, Diego Dantas; Torres, Taffarel Melo; Barbosa, Euzébio Guimarães; Lima, João Paulo Matos Santos; de Freitas Fernandes-Pedrosa, Matheus. Molecular approaches for structural characterization of a new potassium channel blocker from Tityus stigmurus venom: cDNA cloning, homology modeling, dynamic simulations and docking. Biochemical and biophysical research communications, 2013
Maira, N; Torres, TM; Oliveira, AL; Medeiros, SRB; Agnez‐Lima, LF; Lima, JPMS; Scortecci, KC. Identification, characterisation and molecular modelling of two AP endonucleases from base excision repair pathway in sugarcane provide insights on the early evolution of green plants. Plant Biology, 2014.
Torres, Taffarel Melo; Da Silva, Ivanice Bezerra; de Castro, Erika Cristina Pinheiro; dos Santos, Elizeu Antunes; da Cunha, Rodrigo Maranguape Silva; Lima, Joao Paulo Matos Santos. Catalase Inhibition Affects Glyoxylate Cycle Enzyme Expression and Cellular Redox Control during the Functional Transition of Sunflower and Safflower Seedlings. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation,33,2,272-284,2014.
de Melo, Edinara Targino; Estrela, Andréia Bergamo; Santos, Elizabeth Cristina Gomes; Machado, Paula Renata Lima; Farias, Kleber Juvenal Silva; Torres, Taffarel Melo; Carvalho, Enéas; Lima, João Paulo Matos Santos; Silva-Júnior, Arnóbio Antonio; Barbosa, Euzébio Guimarães. Structural characterization of a novel peptide with antimicrobial activity from the venom gland of the scorpion Tityus stigmurus: Stigmurin. Peptides,68,,3-10,2015.
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